Transfer Credit and 完成程度

乐虎电子使用多种资源来审查和记录课程等效性. Get started on evaluating credits now. 



请注意: Every effort has been made to provide accurate and current information; however, the right is reserved to amend or revise the contents at any time. 乐虎电子学分转移和学分申请的最终决定取决于NDSU注册和记录办公室和/或各自的学术部门办公室.

该数据库中列出的课程已由新大教职员工根据目录描述和课程大纲等信息进行评估. This database does not include all courses at respective institutions. 

  • If a course is not listed, it has not been evaluated before.
  • 课程评价为 FREE ELECTIVE (TRNSFR 1XX, 2XX, etc.) may be applied to certain major requirements as departmental substitutions. 的 department will make the determination regarding program eligibility.


提供获得学分的各学院或大学的正式成绩单. Transcripts are considered official if:

  • Sent directly from the transferring institution to NDSU
  • Submitted by the student in the sealed envelope provided by the transferring institution



Dual Career/PSEO/College in the Schools:
If you earned college credit while in high school, 获得学分的各学院/大学的正式成绩单也必须送到新大进行学分评估. We do not accept college-level credit off of high school transcripts.

如果你已经, AP, CLEP, DSST或IB考试, 请将考试成绩的正式副本发送到我们的办公室进行信用评估. Information on what credit will be awarded for examinations can be found on the 审查信用 目录中的章节.


Transfer credit evaluations are conducted in the Office of 注册及记录. 的 evaluation process begins after a student is admitted to the university by the 招生办公室.

一旦承认, 注册和记录办公室将从入学办公室收到你的成绩单. 处理转移学分的典型时间框架是1-3周,具体取决于一年中的时间. Between semesters and during the summer, processing time is closer to three weeks.

您的成绩单将被审查课程的等效性,并添加到校园连接. 一旦该过程完成,您将收到注册和记录办公室的电子邮件,该电子邮件将指示您查看您的建议成绩单. 

Remaining degree requirements can be viewed in 校园连接 through the 学术要求报告. This report will show completed and remaining courses needed to earn a degree. (在初步评估后收到的任何额外转学分将在我们办公室收到和处理时显示在校园连接中.)

的 Transfer Credit Policy in its entirety can be found in the NDSU Catalog: 转学和考试学分.

Re-Evaluation of Transfer Courses
学生可以通过向注册办公室提交课程大纲的副本来要求重新评估课程的等效性 & Records in person at Ceres Hall 110 or via email to Please include your student ID number and the NDSU course that is most similar.

As you review your Transfer Credit Report you may see one of the following codes:

Code 描述
TRNSFR 100 Transfer Course Evaluation in progress
TRNSFR 101 教学大纲需要*
TRNSFR 102 需要课程描述*
TRNSFR 103 Department Evaluation in progress
TRNSFR 1XX或2XX 自由选修,低级**
TRNSFR 3XX或4XX 自由选修课,高级**
TRNSFR X00 or ENGL DEV or MATH DEV Remedial course, no credit awarded
英格兰X00 Remedial course, no credit awarded – satisfies the pre-requisite for ENGL 110

所有的教学大纲和课程描述可以亲自提交到注册办公室 & Records, Ceres Hall 110, or via email to

Application of Transfer Credits


转学分是否适用于你想要学习的课程,将由新大入学时各自的学术部门决定. 注册和记录办公室可能会决定你的课程是否适合满足通识教育的要求, pre-requisites or lower-level courses.


  • 课程要求和学院特定课程的学分(由各学院和院系决定)
  • 通识教育学分要求(由院校和北达科他州大学系统指导方针决定)
  • Credit for electives (courses that do not have a course equivalent at NDSU). 的se may be program specific (ENGL 1XX, MATH 2XX, etc.) or free electives (TRNSFER 1XX, 2XX, etc.) in which NDSU does not have a similar program.
    • Free elective courses may only count toward total credits. 对课程要求的适用性将由学生专业的学术部门决定


Completion of 通识教育 Curriculum

在完成理学院副学士或文科副学士课程后转到新大的学生,只要该机构得到合格认证机构的认证,就被认为已经完成了新大的低级别通识教育要求. Please see the list of acceptable accreditations in our 转学和考试学分 policy.

学生已完成 明尼苏达转学课程 (MNTC) OR who qualify under the NDUS GERTA协议 will also fulfill the lower general education requirements.

General education courses from other accredited institutions, 作为选修课转到新大的课程可以作为新大通识教育要求的一部分. 的 T转移等值制 will show which transfer courses fulfill general education requirements.

通过转校批准的课程仅部分满足通识教育类别要求的转学生必须完成NDSU缺陷类别中批准的课程的要求. No category credit requirement may be deficient by more than a partial semester credit. 然而, 在通信类别中, 如果转学课程已被评估为相当于engl110大学作文I, ENGL 120 College Composition II, 以及COMM 110公共演讲基础,总学分不少于8个学期, the lower-division category requirement has been met.


Our full 通识教育 curriculum and policy can be found in the NDSU Catalog under 通识教育.


Students are strongly encouraged to begin planning to transfer as soon as possible. 成功的转校生将定期与他们目前的导师以及新大的顾问会面,并遵循新大网站提供的课程和转学指导.

本科 Degree and Graduation Information policy 能在我们的目录中找到吗.

学生有责任了解可能影响课程可转学性和学位完成的学术政策. Assistance with these questions and concerns can be directed to the Office of 注册及记录

No four-year requirement, just residency. See policy #6 for university-wide degree requirements in catalog. Within these 30 resident credits, 最低学分要求:300分或以上课程15个学期学分,主修专业15个学期学分.

Residence credits include credits registered and paid for at NDSU. 的se may include courses offered on the NDSU campus or Tri-College. At least 30 credits must be NDSU resident credits.



根据 NDSU重复策略, once a course has been taken and completed at NDSU, it must be repeated at NDSU. 

If a course is repeated at a single institution, 重复尝试将被记录在转账中,因为发行机构已经记录在成绩单上. 的 重复政策 will apply to students who have repeated courses between multiple institutions.
