NDSU农业包括土地赠款传统中反映的所有三个任务:教学, 通过新大农学院进行研究和推广, 食物系统, and Natural Resources; the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station; NDSU 扩展; and the 北方作物研究所.
NDSU农业重视对受过教育的公民和可行的北达科他州社区至关重要的各种人力和自然资源的持续发展. NDSU农业也重视内部和外部合作伙伴关系,共同追求卓越的教育, 研究, 推广及服务.
新国立农业大学的使命是培养对农业感兴趣的学生, food systems and natural resources; to foster North Dakota communities as vital economic and social units through the formation of partnerships that educate the public in agriculture, life and environmental disciplines; provide creative, cost-effective solutions to current problems; and pursue all relevant fundamental and applied 研究.